A man has deprived himself of the best knowledge in the world if he has deprived himself of a knowledge of the Bible. On the foundation of this book, civilizations have been built and sustained. Only through the Bible can we understand who God is and what we must do to please Him.
The word “Bible” comes from the Greek word biblos which means “book.” The Bible is God’s book of instruction for all people. No other written words have affected so many people for so long in history. The reason for this is that men know the Bible is God’s truth that was revealed to direct our beliefs and behavior. The Bible is a library of sixty-six Holy Spirit inspired books and letters. Contrary to man-made religions that are usually based on the writings of one man, the Bible was written by over forty inspired men over a period of about 1,500 years. Though written by so many different people over a period of many centuries, there are no contradictions in the original writings of the Bible. There is one united theme throughout the entire Bible. This theme is the eternal salvation of man through the sacrificial offering of Jesus, the Son of God. God seeks through the Bible to inform all men concerning His desire to bring them into eternal heaven.

A. The Bible is a blessing of God to man.

The Bible came to us through years of God’s work through inspired men who informed us how to please Him.
1. The Bible is God speaking (Mt 22:43; At 1:16; 2 Tm 3:16).
2. The Bible is God speaking through the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:26; 16:13; 1 Co 2:10-13; Hb 3:7; 9:8; 10:15; 2 Pt 1:20,21).
3. The Bible is God speaking through the Holy Spirit with inspired words of truth (Jr 36:4; 1 Co 2:13).
4. The Bible is God speaking through the Holy Spirit to men who spoke and wrote inspired words of truth (Ex 24:4; 35:1; 2 Sm 23:2; Is 51:16; Jr 36:4-6; Ez 11:5; 1 Co 14:37).
5. The Bible is God speaking through the Holy Spirit through men to men (Lk 1:70; At 28:25; Rm 1:2; 16:26).
6. The Bible is God speaking through the Holy Spirit through men to men of all time (Jr 1:9; Ez 2:7; 3:4,10,11,17; 1 Th 2:13; 2 Tm 3:16,17; Hb 1:1,2).

B. We can trust the Bible to be the word of God.

The Bible is based on the foundation of divine proof. God not only inspired men to preach and write His word, but He also sent miracles to confirm that His word was more than the mere word of men. It was the inspired word of God that was meant to be the authority by which people should conduct their lives.
1. The Bible was confirmed by miracles. The word of God that was first spoken by the early messengers of God was proven to be from God by the miraculous work of the Holy Spirit (See 1 Kg 18:30-40; Mk 16:20; Jn 20:30,31; At 2:33; 4:29,30; 1 Co 2:1-5; 12:7; Gl 3:5; Hb 2:3,4).
2. The confirmed and spoken word was written. The writers of the Bible recorded by inspiration their word that was miraculously proven to be the word of God (Rm 15:4,18,19; 1 Co 2:4; 10:11; 1 Th 1:5).

C. The Bible will change our lives.

If one believes the Bible to be the word of God, then he or she will treasure its message. One’s life will thus be transformed to be pleasing to God as he or she seeks to follow God’s will.
1. The Bible can dwell in our hearts (Cl 3:16; 1 Jn 2:14,24; 3:9; 2 Jn 2).
2. The Bible can be laid up in our hearts so that we do not sin against God (Ps 37:31; 119:11).
3. The Bible can be written on our hearts (Ps 40:8; Jr 31:32,33; 2 Co 3:3; Hb 10:16).
4. The Bible changes our lives when we sincerely obey its principles (Js 1:22-25; 1 Jn 1:6,7; 2 Jn 4; 3 Jn 3,4).

D. The Bible is the all-sufficient word of God.

The Bible is all-sufficient to furnish the Christian with all direction that is necessary to be acceptable to God. Because it is all-sufficient, the Bible has the power to accomplish the following in our lives:
1. It has power to change our lives (1 Pt 2:1,2; 2 Pt 1:3; 1 Th 4:1,2; 3 Jn 3,4).
2. It has power to bring us into eternal life (Jn 8:51; see Jn 5:24; 11:26).
3. It has power to eternally save our souls (At 11:14; 20:32; Hb 4:12; Js 1:21).
4. It has power to give us freedom (Jn 8:32; Js 1:25).
5. It has power to minister to others (Ep 4:11-16).
6. It has power to teach us God’s will (Pv 22:6; Ps 119:103,104; Rm 15:4).
7. It has power to admonish us to serve God (1 Co 4:14; 10:11; 2 Tm 4:1,2; Ti 1:9).
8. It has power to direct us in godly living (Cl 1:5-10; 1 Tm 3:14,15; 1 Pt 5:12).
9. It has power to reprove, rebuke and correct (2 Tm 3:16; Ti 1:9).

E. The Bible is God’s final revelation to man.

The Bible claims to be God’s final revelation of truth to man. With the writing of Revelation, the last book of the Bible, God stopped all revelation of truth that He desires men to know in these last times of world history. Bible students must understand, therefore, that after the writing of the book of Revelation, God has not revealed to man any further truth through revelation.
1. Before the giving of the Old Testament law on Mount Sinai, God revealed His will to the fathers of extended family groups (Hb 1:1,2).
2. God revealed His will to Israel on Mount Sinai (Dt 4:1,13; 5:1-5; Ex 19:4-6; Ne 8:1; Rm 3:1,2).
3. God revealed His will to the Old Testament writers who recorded truth for our learning (Rm 15:4; 1 Co 10:11).
4. God revealed all truth to the New Testament apostles in the first century (Jn 14:26; 16:13).
5. We have all necessary truth today which has been recorded for our teaching and moral guidance (Gl 1:11,12; Ep 3:3-5; 2 Tm 3:16,17, 2 Pt 1:3).
6. Because the Bible is all-sufficient, we must not add to nor subtract from it (Dt. 4:2; Gl 1:6- 9; 2 Jn 9-11; Rv 22:18,19).

F. God works through the Bible today.

God intends that His revealed word function in the following ways in the lives of those who submit to His direction. Through the Bible He seeks ...
1. ... to produce faith (Jn 20:30,31; Rm 10:17).
2. ... to sanctify the soul (Jn 17:17; Ep 5:26: 1 Tm 4:4,5).
3. ... to cleanse the heart and soul (Jn 15:2,3; Ep 5:26; 1 Pt 1:22).
4. ... to quicken the soul (Ps 119:50,93; Ep 2:1,5).
5. ... to enlighten the mind (Ps 19:8).
6. ... to give understanding (Ps 119:104,130: Ep 3:4).
9. ... to lead one’s life (Ps 73:24; 119:105).
10. ... to comfort the heart (Rm 15:4; 1 Th 3:2; 4:18).
11. ... to produce spiritual growth (At 20:32; Cl 1:10,11).
12. ... to strengthen one’s heart (At 20:32; Rm 16:25; 2 Tm 2:1,2).